POV On the Frontlines - COVID-19 Update


At Peace Over Violence, the safety and wellbeing of our staff, survivors, and our Los Angeles community are foundational concerns. Though our office spaces remain closed, we continue to work diligently, creating protocols and utilizing technology to provide critical, life-saving services to survivors of sexual and domestic violence, child abuse, and the community at large. We know that this is necessary and we are committed to doing this crucial work together as we go through this extraordinary and unprecedented time of crisis.


We have been speaking to the media, our local leaders, funders, and supporters to uplift the needs of survivors during this pandemic. These are critical tasks as organizations like ours are part of the backbone of communities throughout the country, showing up and supporting individuals and families during this challenging and vulnerable time. Sexual and domestic violence continue to be two of the most widespread but least recognized human rights abuses in the world. Peace Over Violence has been at the forefront of this social change and social justice work at the deepest levels. Our commitment to our community, government, sister and brother organizations, social movements and above all, survivors, remains strong in the midst of this pandemic. Peace Over Violence’s 50 years of experience in the intervention and prevention of gender-based violence has shown us the importance of working at all levels, all of the time.


At Peace Over Violence, we are committed to taking this opportunity to care for each other and our communities. Peace Over Violence operates the longest-running domestic and sexual violence hotline in the country. This is a safe and trusted intimate space, staffed by trauma-informed experts twenty-four hours a day. Our crisis counselors are available around the clock to provide support, information, compassion, referrals and advocacy. We are acting responsibly and ethically by not abandoning our commitment to serve survivors, families, and our community.


LA Rape & Battering Hotline

626.793.3385 | 310.392.8381 | 213.626.3393

With love,
The POV Coronavirus Crisis Team