In Touch With Teens

Is an eleven-unit curriculum empowers youth to have healthy relationships by providing information about power and control, elements of healthy relationships and healthy sexuality, and media literacy as well as education on sexual harassment, sexual assault, and dating violence.

The curriculum further addresses the development of prosocial skills such as empathy, impulse control, effective communication, problem solving, and bystander accountability.

Unit 1: Roots of Violence: Global and Local The Basics

Unit 2: Power and Control: Personal Power vs. Dominance The Basics

Unit 3: Recognizing Unhealthy Relationships The Basics

Unit 4: Bullying The Basics

Unit 5: Breaking the Cycle of Violence The Basics

Unit 6: Creating Healthy Relationships The Basics

Unit 7: Sexual Assault and Coercive Control The Basics

Unit 8: Respectful Sexuality The Basics

Unit 9: Sexual Harassment The Basics

Unit 10: Media Impact The Basics

Unit 11: Choose Peace Over Violence The Basics



Be Strong Curriculum

Is an asset-based, development program for young women that builds on concepts of womanhood, respect, and positive relationships as a strategy for health promotion and violence prevention.

The Be Strong curriculum consists of four empowerment modules which contain activities that enhance developmental assets and provide practical tools for self-discovery, critical thinking, problem solving, and decision-making. The program objective is to help young women define and discover the kind of women they want to be while developing protective factors against violence and other unhealthy behaviors. It also provides a forum for young women to connect with one another, honor themselves, and create healthy relationships.