Peace Over Violence participates in the National Walkout & Moment of Solidarity. Taking to the streets, we stood on the Wilshire overpass above the 110 freeway, in support of Anita Hill, Dr. Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez.



We wore black and we walked out. We believe survivors and stand in solidarity with the truth that no one accused of sexual misconduct should get a power-over grab to a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.

We must not have a repeat of the Anita Hill character assassination by the US Senate. We cannot stand by and allow these allegations of sexual assault to not be investigated. The right thing to do is for Judge Kavanaugh to withdraw.

Our 47 years of legacy in the violence against women movement has always been political. Let's use the momentum that voices from the #MeToomvmt, #timesup and many others have created. Survivors were victimized, but now they have power.

There are many valid reasons why someone does not report a sexual assault and lying is not one of them. The mistreatment of Anita Hill, Dr. Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez are good examples of why people don't come forward. POV will continue to show up for survivors. We'll continue to answer calls to our hotline and empower individuals who come to us seeking healing and resources.

Much gratitude to everyone who is committed to eliminating sexual misconduct from our society. Rape culture ends with us.
